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Public Engagement


For Employers


HE STEM Equality and Diversity - the Impact of the TEF and REF: What are the risks of not engaging?

HE STEM Equality and Diversity - the Impact of the TEF and REF: What are the risks of not engaging?

26 Oct 2017



A SEPnet Workshop - Monday 4 December 2017, 10.00 � 16.00, Queen Mary University of London

SEPnet is organising a one-day workshop to share good practice in addressing barriers to female progression in STEM and supporting under-represented groups with particular focus on the impact of the REF and TEF.

Successful REF and TEF submissions will increasingly depend on HEIs demonstrating evidence of robust diversity policies and practices. Presenters will provide an overview of progress to date highlighting examples of successful initiatives. Short case studies will be followed by group discussion to understand what key actions HE staff, responsible for diversity, can take to bring about real change.

Programme and speakers:

� Gender equality in an academic department - lessons learnt - Paul Walton, University of York

� Widening Participation, the TEF and REF � recruitment and marketing - Averil Macdonald, Diversity Lead, SEPnet

� Learning gain, attainment gaps and student diversity - Sally Jordan, Open University

� Contracts, work allocation and the long hours� culture - Peter Main, Kings College London

� Athena SWAN and Project Juno Applications - top tips and pitfalls - Tracey Berry, Royal Holloway University of London

� TEF/REF - what are the risks of not engaging? � panel discussion

This event is aimed at HE STEM staff responsible for diversity and inclusion including Athena SWAN, Project Juno and diversity champions, HR managers and academics.

Refreshments will be provided. The workshop is FREE to attend, places are limited. Contact veronica.benson@sepnet.ac.uk to book your place.